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Rescue U Plumbing

Reporting Process

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We make sure everyone's on the same page, in real time.

Complimenting our commercial client communication policy, we have developed a reporting process that ensures our project, facility, strata and portfolio managers are kept in the loop within 24-48 hours of every completed assignment that takes place.

We treat this as a priority, because we know how hard it is to be sent a report for a project that happened 8 weeks ago. 

We believe in complete transparency at Rescue U Plumbing, and we go above and beyond to keep everyone on the same page as to what’s been done and most importantly, to address concerns as they arise, not in the future, which is often too late.

Our Reporting Process

Here is a visual representation of our reporting process.

operational in office

Our Process In Action

Here is an actual report, which was created within 12 hours of completing a project.

(Sensitive information has been blurred for obvious reasons. )

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